“I remember Vial-A-Tion when Steve Dusheck first introduced them to the magic community. It was a quick and quirky effect and sold well. I did this as part of a larger routine at the time and since Tricksupply likes to add value I am describing my expanded routine below” – Wolfgang Wollet
In the original routine the performer takes out a clear vial with a US Penny penny inside. The performer removes the penny from the vial and asks the spectator to mark it with a Sharpie.
He then takes a Kennedy Half dollar and places the Penny on top the 1/2 dollar. To completely trap the marked penny the performer then takes the clear vial and places it over top the penny and 1/2 dollar, trapping the penny between the half dollar and inside the vial. Everything is visible to the spectator at all times.
The performer explains the Penny is now trapped, and tells the spectator he will cause the marked Penny to vanish. The performer places his hand around the vial and lifts it away, but the signed penny is still there however the Kennedy Half dollar has vanished and turned into an English Penny and the marked Penny is still sitting on top of the new coin! The spectator can pick up both coins without the performer ever touching them. The performer can show the vial afterwards without any switching. This is truly a visual change. You can let the spectator keep the signed Penny as a keepsake of the performance.
There are NO difficult sleights, magnets, threads, duplicate coins or duplicate labels used. This is truly visually stunning.
Don’t miss this one in the series of authorized Steve Dusheck tricks.
In Wolfgang’s own personal routine, a Sun & Moon (Copper/Silver) Coin (English Penny/Kennedy Half) is used in addition to the supplied items. The signed US Penny in this case is used to illustrate that no switch is made. The signed Penny is placed on the Kennedy Half and then covered with the vial. In the other Hand the English Penny (Sun&Moon) is displayed and the fist closed around it. Now the Kennedy under the vial is changed into the English Penny, the signed US Penny on top proofs that no switch was made! The fist is now opened with the English Penny side showing. A clever transposition that makes good use of Vial-A-Tion. Please note that for Wolfgang’s routine you will need a Sun/Moon Coin (Copper/Silver) which needs to be purchased separately!
The special gimmick for Vial-A-Tion is manufactured by Roy Kueppers!