Gaetan Bloom creates unique magic that fools and entertains but he also constructs routines that are very direct and play very big. The routines are basically for close-up performances but are also very visual and can be used for cabaret or even stage shows. On this DVD you will learn magic with newspapers, thread, Slinky, ropes and cards.
Routines performed and explained:
- Easy Samo Ramee: A spectator thinks of any card and you tell him what card he is thinking of after asking a few simple questions.
- The News: A shuffled deck of cards is scattered on a newspaper and the newspaper is shaken until cards turn face-up. The face-up cards are placed aside. You keep doing this until only one face-down card remains. That card matches a prediction that has been in full view since the beginning.
- Lasso: A freely selected card is signed and returned to the deck. The deck is placed in a hat. A rope is lowered into the hat and when it is removed the signed selection is knotted on the rope.
- Spring Diction: Sheets of newspaper are placed on the floor and a Slinky is used to eliminate some of the sheets. The Slinky is placed anywhere on the selected paper and the spectator thinks of a word located by the Slinky. The thought of word has been predicted in advance.
- Quarte: A horse race themed routine is used to randomly select the winning horses. At the conclusion a slate is shown with the correct results written in advance.
Remember the routines are easy to do and are guaranteed to entertain and fool any audience of laypeople or magicians. A Meir Yedid Magic product. Original release date: DVD: June 2008, VHS: 1999.
Special DVD Features:
- Instant access to performances and explanations
- Product Previews
- DVD Trailers
- Dolby Digital sound
- Encoded for worldwide viewing
Running Time Approximately 75min