What if you really wanted to entertain children with magic?
But what if you just didn’t know where to begin?
If only there was a course that would take you through step by step and answer your questions:
What should I call myself?
How should I dress?
What tricks should I perform?
Which embarrassing mistakes can I easily avoid?
What equipment do I need?
How do I advertise myself?
How much should I charge?
Well, stop wishing! That course now exists – a full 2 hour DVD packed with all the information YOU need to get going.
You’ll be tapping into 3 major resources:
· Practical Magic’s Jeremy Le Poidevin – who fronts the UK’s leading supplier of material for children’s entertainers and producers of many instructional DVDs;
· John Kimmons – ‘Kimmo’ – who has been a much sought-after UK professional for 30 years and is an outstanding performer;
· David Kaye – ‘Silly Billy’ – one of the best known children’s entertainers in the US and the author of a highly influential book on the subject.
The 3 of them take a light-hearted look at some of the problems and pitfalls and show you the path to making a success of yourself in this challenging but rewarding sector. Learn while you’re having fun watching this DVD!
So you want to entertain children with Magic! (DVD)
$ 39.99
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SKU: FU 07050
Brand: Future Magic