The performer presents to the audience a small “caterpillar” seemingly asleep. The caterpillar, the performer explains, represents life…. “In many ways we take the very things around us for granted, never realizing their beauty and potential until its too late. The caterpillar for example. A seemingly plain and ordinary member of the animal kingdom. Yet through its magical abilities to weave silk thread, some of the most beautiful cloth in the world is created.” As this is being said, the performer brings out an intriguing piece of paper. He continues, “And yet the caterpillar is seemingly ignored for its skill. It is only recognized for its beauty and majesty once it transforms.” The caterpillar is placed in the center of the paper and is folded up. “Sad, but true…we in this world often ignore the beauty and potential of the seemingly plain and uninteresting. Only when presented with an image of glamour and color do we stand in awe!” The paper is rotated three times and opened. A butterfly flies out of the paper…the caterpillar is gone!
Please note color of caterpillar varies.