How to Entertain and Baffle Your Friends with Magic
– Card Tricks and other Close-Up Illusions
This is probably the one book that a beginner really needs. Although it has a jazzy new title and a flashy Harry Potter look-alike on its cover it is the book that was once called Close Up Magic for Beginners. Harry Baron’s wonderful books on magic were responsible for the early interest in magic of Paul Daniels and David Copperfield and many many more top names. If you could perform just a handful of the tricks in this beginner book you could still baffle experienced magicians.
This book is packed full of superb and baffling magic that anyone can perform and any of the material if studied and practiced can earn you a big reputation. If you are teaching youngsters magic get this book. If you are a beginner yourself then get your own copy and get to work. Virtually everything in this book can be performed without using props or apparatus. I have been involved with magic for around 50 years so do me a favor and trust me on this one. It is a great and wonderful book. Martin Breese, London