One Concept, Two Minds, Three Spectacular Climaxes (and a Partridge in a pear tree)! It’s the mental miracle that sets the standard against which all others will be compared.
Double Vision is a beautifully produced, soft-cover European travel guide, gaffed to high heaven in ways that are only visible to you.
The oversize book (5-1/4 x 8 inches) contains more than 100 different photos, city maps for walking tours, pen & ink drawings, travel poster replicas distributed through all 235 pages of text and no two pages are alike. Double Vision adds a world of sophistication and panache to your performances. Between these covers, our elegant new methodology frees up your mind … to blow theirs! Double Vision will enable you to accomplish feats never before possible.
- Reveal a single word or, if you wish, uncannily describe the subject matter of multiple sentences;
- Your participant can look at any page in the book and you will be able to accurately reproduce incredible detail from any drawings, illustrations, and photos which are there – no matter where the book is opened.
- Mentally follow your participants as they take out-of-body walking tours, specifically identifying the tourist attractions where they stop;
- Draw or sketch images merely visualized in your participant’s mind. And that’s just for starters!
No duplicate photos, illustrations, maps, or blocks of text. Every page is truly different. No crib sheets or extraneous devices required. No long/short words. No anagrams. No forces. No impressions. No pre-show work. Nothing added or taken away.
Double Vision is totally self-contained and can be performed as a stand-alone routine or used to compliment other book tests such as Ultimate Flashback and DreamTest.
Read what others had to say about this great new product:
“How good is this book test? Double Vision will go into my act! Double Vision is easy to perform. It builds upon the same methodology used to perform Flashback. But, it is so much stronger than Flashback. Larry and Lee have truly displayed their combined creative genius with this book test. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall as they dreamed up all the clever ways this book is gaffed. I can hear them both laughing as they each added just one more feature. Bravo to Larry and Lee for producing a book test for the serious mentalist!”
– Chuck Hickok U.S.A.