This is the trick that’s so strong ,Docc Hilford has closed his 30 minute mentalism show with it.
The features claimed here and by the performer are ABSOLUTELY TRUE!
Here is what the audiences sees:
A spectator is asked to think of any thought. It can be a name, a place, a date, a number, a color, any thought at all. A phone number is randomly selected from any phonebook. THERE IS NO FORCE OF THE NAME OR NUMBER FROM THE BOOK! The person is called and asked to guess at what the spectator is thinking. The person NAMES THE THOUGHT!! The spectator speaks to the randomly selected person and he tells the spectator exactly what he’s thinking!
This is an incredible effect. Check the important features listed below.
Also included are two bonus effects:
Nudie Call: An original effect using a spectator’s cell phone and a mini nudie deck. It’s all done in perfectly good taste and has some fun built-in comedy.
Call Me Up Sometime: is Ted Annemann’s new phone test. The pages of annotations by Docc Hilford analyze the psychology of mentalism as seen through a different window.
If you could only do one mentalistic trick for press or audience, Cellular Mitosis would have to be it! Don’t be left behind!
Key features:
- any thought can be projected
- no restrictions on the possible thoughts
- anyone can be phoned
- any phone book can be used to choose a person
- the spectator cab choose any name
- the spectator always has a free choice in thought and person phoned
- the person phoned can be completely unknown to you or anyone else in the audience
- no code is used
- no stage whispers to spectator or person phoned
- the spectator is never “in on it”
- the spectator can talk to the person
- can be performed impromptu
- can be performed up-close
- can be performed on stage
- has blown away audiences across the US