Two outstanding money printing routines by two of magic’s most creative minds, Phil Goldstein and Shigeo Takagi. Four special black plastic folders (five if performing the Cash Card routine) with a transparent front cover are shown empty. A piece of blank, white paper is inserted in one of the folders and a dollar bill of any denomination in another. Both are seen inside. The folder with the paper is turned face down to be displayed later “printed” as a dollar Bill. The same is repeated with a second piece of white paper and a second bill is printed. The third piece of paper is displayed, and to the performer’s surprise, it has a torn corner. Not being able to replace it, he uses it anyway and as before, a third bill is printed, with a torn corner as it should be. Includes all necessary props and fully illustrated instructions.
CaSh Card and Cash on the Corner – Phil Goldstein and Shigeo Takagi
$ 19.95
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