A new twist on the old paddle trick with an original idea by Nahuel Olivera.
Magician shows both sides of a large 5″ paddle. Performer asks a volunteer to think of a die, but to be more specific a side of the die in other words a number between one and six. Once the volunteer calls out his selected number, the magician shows the paddle once again front and back, suddenly, that number is displayed in the paddle. Then suddenly the magician makes it disappear. He does this a number of times then when the die has reappeared on the paddle the magician has the volunteer to push his finger on the die and it falls out of the paddle LEAVING THE TINY DIE IN THE SPECTATORS HAND AND A SQUARE HOLE IN THE PADDLE WHERE THE DIE ONCE WAS! As a kicker, all can be inspected!
If you like paddle tricks and are looking for something different and off the wall, this might be just the gem you are seeking!