Overall good used condition
Total Freedom: A shortened version of the Bannon item “Degrees of Freedom” where six totally free selections are used instead of a royal flush. The spectators mix cards face up and face down. In the end there are exactly six face down cards as predicted by the magician. And yes, they are the six selections. (All 6 selections are free choices and are shuffled into the deck by a spectator.)
Animazement: A flip book trick (like Cardtoon) where an animated stick figure draws an X on a single card. Of course the card is the signed selection. A template is provided so that you can create your own animation sequence.
Finders Keepers: A card freely named by a spectator ends up sandwiched by two jokers while the cards are under the spectator’s control.
Flipped Out: A spectator counts four coins. The magician’s hands are otherwise empty. The spectator holds all four on her outstretched palm. She shakes her hands together and finds that one coin has jumped to the magician’s hand. The three coins are placed again on her outstretched palm. The magician places his hand under the table. Now the spectator dumps the three coins onto the table. Only two hit the table!! The magician brings his hand into view, now holding two coins!
Routined Rubber: A four-phase rubber band routine that begins with a single band transforming visibly into two!
Smokin’: Ron Jaxon’s incredible jumping filter routine. The filter of a cigarette jumps from end to end in a highly visual manner.
- Full color dust jacket
- Hardcover
- Over 150 illustrations by Tony Dunn
- Visual and mental magic
- Foreword by Allan Ackerman
Pages: 232 – 8.5″x11″