Performer invites two volunteers up on stage to assist him. Volunteers are positioned on complete opposite sides of the stage. Volunteer “A” is asked to merely think of any card, but not to announce it, just simply think of it. Performers asks this volunteer to quietly whisper the name of this card in the performers ear. The performer now introduces a deck of cards. The cards are removed from its case. Cards are shown to Volunteer “A” to be completely mixed. This thought of card is removed from the deck and given to Volunteer “A” who is asked to place this card in their pocket. The only two people who know the identity of this card is Volunteer “A” and the performer! Not even the audience knows the identity of this card! The cards are now returned back to its case. The performer walks to the other side of the stage and hands Volunteer “B” the closed card case. Volunteer “B” is asked to clear his/her mind and concentrate. Performer asks Volunteer “B” if they are getting an “image” of a card in their mind? Volunteer “B” responds with a “YES”! Volunteer “B” is asked to call out the name of this card. Volunteer “A” is asked to remove the card in their pocket and show the audience. A PERFECT MATCH!!!
This is mentalism at its finest! You will be able to perform this miracle 5 minutes after reading the simple instructions. Volunteer can think of any card, no restrictions, no force, no marked cards, no stacks, nothing prearranged with either spectator, no sleights, Volunteer “B” immediately knows the name of the thought of card, no nail writers, no electronics, no codes!
Complete with Bicycle® Brand cards