The magician places a card box on top of an empty glass. Showing a Fifty-cent piece, he vanishes the coin. Holding the invisible coin, the magician appears to throw/drop the coin towards the card box. The coin materializes and drops into the glass with an audible clink. The effect is then repeated for a total of four coins dropping into the glass. The Robot Coins in Glass was first manufactured in the mid sixties by Ken Allen. John Blake has re-released this marvelous piece of magic in a simple to use form that is totally reliable. The basic unit allows you to place a deck of cards (in a box) on top of a clear glass. One by one four half dollars drop into the glass. Comes with instructions to vanish coins from your hand and have them appear in the glass. But imagine the other great uses for this utility device. For example if you own an Okito Box you could place four half dollars in an Okito Box. Place the box of coins on top of a deck of cards which is then placed on a drinking glass. One by one the coins leave the box, penetrate the deck and clink into the glass. This can actually be done without cover. It is totally automated. No batteries. Simple to load the card box and sure fire in operation. Wind up watch mechanism does all the work.