After a deck of cards is thoroughly shuffled by a spectator, the magician displays three different colored rectangle plates which are placed onto a stand.
Sets of three cards are removed from the shuffled deck and placed in front of each colored plate. A spectator then chooses any of the three colored plates and displays their values to the spectator. The spectator is asked to simply choose one of the cards, and the other two are eliminated. There is no force of the chosen card, no process of elimination, just a totally free choice. Any set of three cards and color can be chosen. Next, an envelope which has been in full view of the audience the entire time is opened. A prediction is removed and it has the correct card in bold letters!
Points to remember:
- Only One Envelope And Prediction Card Are Used
- No Switches Of Any Kind
- Totally Free Choice Of Card
- No Carbons Or Secret Writers Are Used
- Comes Complete With Colored Rectangle Plates, Envelope With Special Plastic Prediction Card, And Stand
- Uses Any Deck Of Playing Cards